Torchport Airport, the airport between Torch Lake and Lake Michigan, is for sale. According to, the owners, Duane and Maryanne Jorgensen are asking $999,900 for the 220-acres, which includes two grass runways, the buildings associated with the airport and a lot of woods. On crisp, northern Michigan autumn days, you could go deer hunting or fishing in the morning and buzz your own airport, in your P-51 in the afternoons (at least that's what I'd do). The owners never did it, but said they had considered hosting snowmobile races, on the runways, in the winter.

C'mon - get your checkbook out!

The Jorgensens have owned the airport for almost 30 years and are in their 70s now and tired of all the upkeep required of an airport. You think YOU do a lot of mowing?

Here's the story. (Seriously - I bet we could get them down to $999,000)


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