Thank You For Coming To The WITL Jay J. McCrae Toy-A-Thon For Toy for Tots!
Thank you Wittle Family! You've once again, made this extraordinary event!
With your help, we helped to raise over $900 in donations, and a BUS LOAD of toys for Mid-Michigan boys and girls this Christmas! The U.S. Marines are going to get all those toys to Santa so that kids in need can have a gift on Christmas.
A special thanks to the Leathernecks motorcycle club for stopping by! They brought toys and cash donations for Toys For Tots, along with many other members of the Wittle Family! You, are what makes the annual Jay J. McCrae Toy-A-Thon such an amazing day! I'm sure you made Jay and Jordan smile, they were certainly with us in spirit today.
If you weren't able to make it to the WITL studios today to make a donation, but would still like to help out, please go to, they have all kinds of info there!
Thanks also goes out to our wonderful sponsors, who help make this day possible too! The U.S. Marine Corps, Dean Transportation, Bake n' Cakes, Peacock Road Family Tree Farm and Tree’s For Troops, Ukai and AI Fusion, and Groovy Donuts!
Thanks again Wittle Family! And Merry Christmas!