Speeding? Michigan Police Suggest Trying the Honest ApproachSpeeding? Michigan Police Suggest Trying the Honest ApproachBeen caught speeding? A Michigan State Police Lieutenant offers advice on how to increase your odds of getting a reduced ticket or letting you off with a warning.Scott ClowScott Clow
Loud Cars Could Soon Face $1,500 Fines in MichiganLoud Cars Could Soon Face $1,500 Fines in MichiganThe bill hasn't been passed, but it is under review.MeatballMeatball
Is It Legal in Michigan to Warn Oncoming Drivers of Police Ahead?Is It Legal in Michigan to Warn Oncoming Drivers of Police Ahead?The Feds seem to think it's OK, but what do local authorities think?MeatballMeatball
Are You Strong Enough to Pass the Michigan State Police Physical Exam?Are You Strong Enough to Pass the Michigan State Police Physical Exam?This is what it takes to pass the physical test.Big Joe PeshBig Joe Pesh
Lansing Police Looking To Open Cold Case UnitLansing Police Looking To Open Cold Case UnitPlans to partner with the Detroit Crime Commission could help police in Lansing solve decades old murder cold cases.Cadillac JackCadillac Jack
Meridian Township Police To Hold Halloween Open HouseMeridian Township Police To Hold Halloween Open HouseGreat activities for the family will be featured.Chris TylerChris Tyler
Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over In MichiganDrive Sober Or Get Pulled Over In MichiganProgram is under way now.Chris TylerChris Tyler