Starting this week in Michigan – it’s bear hunting season up north
Sunday marked the start of bear hunting season in Michigan. It's not an open season. The people hunting this fall were picked by in a "quasi" lottery drawing back in June. Depending on where you are, the season will last until October 26th - right before deer bow hunting gets really good.
And, you really don't have to travel very far north of Lansing to be in counties where bear hunting is going on. There's bear hunting this week in Isabella, Midland and Mecosta County and on north from there. The DNR increased tag quotas and harvest goals this year because the bear population in the Lower Peninsula has grown 47% since 2000 and 11% in the U.P. in the same stretch. According to US News and the Detroit Free Press, Michigan beekeepers have wanted the DNR to do this for a long time.
Goods luck to everybody on the hunt this fall.
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