Fowlerville High School was hosting a wrestling match on Saturday, when the sound of gunfire filled the gym.

Alright. That's an exaggeration. It was one shot. And it was an accidental shot from the gun of an off-duty Flint police officer, who was there watching his kid wrestle. According to, in Flint, the gym was immediately evacuated and one person twisted their ankle - the only reported injury (except for the gym floor, which took a direct hit). After the "all clear" was given, the wrestling match resumed.

Now, this poor Flint cop has to go through an investigation about this. I've got news for the Flint PD - if I was a cop, I can't imagine NOT shooting my foot (or a gym floor) at least once in my career. I don't think the guy will do it again. Hopefully, the investigation goes something like this:

                                                                    Police Chief

                                                        Little issue in Fowlerville?

                                                                   Off-duty Cop

                                                          You heard about that?

                                                                   Police Chief

                                      Yeah. You thinkin' 'bout doing doing that again?

                                                                  Off-duty Cop

                                                    No, I'm one and done on that.

                                                                  Police Chief

                                         Cool. How 'bout LeBron? You see that shot?


Keep the gym floor in your prayers.


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