Need Cash? Michigan Database Could Have Your Name and Missing Money
Usually, if your name is in a database, that's a bad thing.
Or the only time your name and a database are mentioned together is when said database has been hacked and now your information is exposed and probably for sale on the dark web.
Ain't nobody got time for that.
Identity theft is for the birds.
Add to that when you usually hear about unclaimed property or cash, you're never the winner in that game.
Have no fear. This one is legit and provided by the state.
If your name is on this list or in this database, it could mean a few hundred dollars.
There’s a new database by the Michigan Department of Treasury that tracks unclaimed property, uncashed checks, valuables left in safe deposit boxes and stock certificates. All properties listed are either $50 or more.
Because the properties were considered unclaimed, they are turned over to the state by law. Over $485 million has been paid by the Treasury in the last five years. (WILX)
It couldn't possibly hurt to at least look right? You're not really expecting to find anything, BUT WHAT IF YOU DO?!?
To search the Michigan Department of Treasury's Unclaimed Property database, enter a name or business name and select “Search”. All properties containing this name will be included in the results. See the instructions on the Search for Unclaimed Property page for more information. (
There's even an instructional video.
Happy hunting Michiganders. If you find something and it was because we told you about it, we're not asking for a half or anything.
A finder's fee though. That would be nice.
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