The 2018 "M-15 Garage Sale" will be held May 5th. It starts at Bay City and winds down M-15 to Clarkston. says it stretches 60 miles. My map says it's almost 70 miles. The official date is May 5th, but some people will be selling on Thursday and Friday.

I've never been to the M-15 sale, but I've been to the giant one they hold in August in Alabama. It used to go from Gadsen, AL to Chattanooga, TN. Apparently, it now stretches up U.S. 127 to Hudson, Michigan - just south of Brooklyn!

If this is anything like the Alabama sale, don't expect every house to be participating, but you never know what you're gonna find. I found some great stuff and some real junk in Alabama. According to the Facebook page dedicated to this sale, one of the hotspots for the M-15 sale is in the town of Vassar.

Good luck!


Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.

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