You might think Michigan's state park police officers have a pretty cushy job. You might think all they do is hang out at state parks, asking campers how great a day they're having, directing hikers to the best trails, identifying Petoskey stones for the out-of-staters. Good times, huh?

Unfortunately, that's not EVERY day in Michigan's state parks or campgrounds. According to the Detroit Free Press, “State park officers have been called on to keep the peace during fights and riots in state parks which have resulted in arrests and injuries,” the Michigan State Employees Association said in a press release. “Incidents have included gang-related activity, drug and alcohol abuse, disorderly conducts and a more than 300-person riot.” (Grand Haven - last year)

So, there's THAT. Which is why the officers think it might be a good idea if the DNR would let them carry guns and wear body armor. I think it's a good idea. I think we've all seen some crazy, drunk people at campgrounds, before.

Plus - what if Bigfoot shows up in camp? (Oh, sure - now you're on board)


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