Yesterday, astronaut Drew Feustel, who's from Lake Orion, Michigan and is currently the commander of the International Space Station's Expedition 56, stepped outside for a walk. A walk that, according to, lasted almost 7 hours, at 250 miles above Earth. During that time, among other tasks, Drew and flight engineer Ricky Arnold fixed a jammed panel to a micrometeoroid shield, which was stuck open. (I hate when that happens) They aslo installed equipment which will be used when new Space-X and Boeing spacecraft start visiting the ISS this August.

But the big news came when Drew went from 7th place to 3rd place on the list of astronauts with the most time spent spacewalking. Drew now has spent almost 62 hours on spacewalks. During this one, as the ISS passed over Michigan, Drew gave a shout-out to Detroit.

On behalf of Lansing, Commander, we eagerly await our shout-out.


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