All three of the U.S. Olympic ice dance teams are from Michigan. Maia Shibutani and her brother Alex make up one team. But the other two teams have some "history". Knowing how nosy you are, I thought I'd fill you in before you watch them for the first time on Sunday night.

Madison Chock and Evan Bates are dating and have been for years. According to a story (about which Olympic skaters are couples), Evan said, “Being a couple off the ice, I think the experience will be a lot more personal together."

Okemos' Madison Hubbell and Zach Donohue (who trained with Madison at the Detroit Skate Club) dated for two and a half years, but broke up as they got closer to the Olympics. According to Zach, "We just realized that to date and be with each other 24-7 with our particular personalities was just explosive." So, now they date other skaters. But they all live in the SAME HOUSE.

Hmm. We'll see which plan works out better. Stay tuned.


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