Michigan Woman Wins the Boston Marathon
Congratulations to Michigan's own Desiree Linden, who was the women's winner of the Boston Marathon yesterday. Desiree lives and trains in Rochester Hills. According to CBS Sports, she's the first American woman to win the Boston Marathon in 33 years.
But that's not the whole story.
Halfway through the race, Desiree (or Desi, as her friends call her) was in the lead pack with Shalene Flanagan, when Shalene, the defending New York Marathon women's champion, decided a quick stop at one of the porta-potty was in order. According to reports, Desi decided to hang back and wait for her friend Shalene, who was in the porta-potty for a little under 14 seconds - which would not be a bad time for a NASCAR pit stop.
And even though Desi had been thinking about actually quitting the race earlier, because she was feeling so horrible, she made up any time spent waiting for her buddy and won, of course. Shalene finished 6th.
Here's the follow-up from the Boston Globe about the "porta-potty incident".
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