This weekend, in Grass Lake, Krissie and Kassie Bevier, who are identical twins, are marrying Zack and Nicholas Lewan - also identical twins. In case you're wondering, Kassie and Nick met first, so they get the Saturday wedding.

According to, Kassie and Nick met in a psychology class at Grand Valley State, when the teacher asked if anybody in the class had a twin. After meeting, Kassie invited Nick to church. Both of their twins came along that day - and here we are.

Both couples will move into an apartment together, in Fenton, while the Beviers finish getting their physical therapy doctorates at Michigan.

Both couples will honeymoon in Florida (at the same beach house - but four days apart) and plan to meet up for part of the honeymoon at Disney World. Which won't freak out anybody, I'm sure.


Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.

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