Isaac Couling, the high school golfer from Concord who was viciously attacked by a mother goose this week (he's fine, don't worry), is now an international superstar. According to, Isaac has done about a bazillion (my words) interviews this week, including one with the new "Get Up" TV show on ESPN. And, he's already become the subject of an online trivia question. That was quick.

Being a teenage guy, his friends have been very understanding and are just glad he's OK. Just joking. They now call him "The Goose" or "Goose Man". (Um, I'm not going to judge your nicknames guys, but have you ever seen "Top Gun"?)

Issac's gonna be living with this for a little while. Especially since there's a commemorative T-shirt coming soon.


Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.

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