Last month, according to, the Michigan DNR received a call from a homeowner up in Emmet County, who had a badger fall through his ceiling.

Just to refresh your memory - badgers are carnivores that can weigh 30-40 pounds and eat a lot of fish and gophers and mice, but in some areas they eat rattlesnakes. So, they're big, tough critters. And this one dropped out of this guy's ceiling. Lucky for him, the badger dropped down into an enclosed porch. Could've been much more of a mess. The Michigan State Trooper and the DNR officer who responded snagged it with a catch pole and got it out of the house.

The ensuing investigation determined that the badger had gotten into the house through the basement and somehow made it's way up into the ceiling. Impressive.

So, if you've heard any noises in your house, recently - sleep tight.


Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.

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