Michigan lady celebrates 104th birthday – credits magic elixir
Theresa Rowley just turned 104 years old on Monday. Theresa's from Grand Rapids and now lives in a retirement home there. According to WZZM 13, she clearly didn't expect to make it this far. "When I was 100, I thought I'd never be 104; I thought I'd pass away by that time but it just didn't happen," said Theresa. "Then I turn 101, and nothing happens. Here I am 104, and still nothing happens."
What's the secret? Lean in a little closer.
The secret is.....Diet Coke.
Seriously. Theresa says she drinks at least one can of Diet Coke every day and she has a bag full of empty cans that she needs to return for the deposit. I actually believe THAT may be the secret. In Michigan, nobody wants to check out with some empties waiting to be turned in. Ten cents is ten cents.
Happy birthday, Theresa. Many happy returns.
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