Michigan Kid Misses His Curfew – That’s The Least of His Worries
According to the Detroit Free Press, last Friday at 8:45PM, some poor 17 year-old kid was late for his 9:30 curfew, north of Detroit, on I-75, so he floored his 2012 Chevy (we still don't know what model - Camaro? 'Vette?) and got up to 138 MPH before the long arm of the law caught him. Our un-named friend also complicated his life by trying to run from the State Police.
The trooper did the kid a solid by not slapping a reckless driving charge on him, but he did get charged with doing 138 in a 70 MPH zone.
My unsubstantiated guess is that he had a 9:30 curfew, on a Friday night, for a reason. And my guess is that he totally missed that curfew.
Hope he's at least got a bike.
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