Michigan DNR To Issue Permits For Open Burning Once Again
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources suspended open burning statewide in late March, to help keep firefighters and first responders readily available at all times to deal with the coronavirus outbreak. And, Tuesday they announced that they will start issuing burn permits once again.
But, normal rules and regulations still apply to those who wish to burn debris, brush, and other materials. If you want to burn, you must apply for and obtain a burn permit from DNR officials. Permits will be issued as long as as long as weather and fire conditions allow for a safe burn. And, local governments and fire districts tend to have their own regulations for proper burning that you must also look in to.
If you want to burn, follow this link to Michigan.gov/BurnPermit to check in, apply, and ensure that conditions in your locality are favorable on the day you wish to burn.
You can also get additional information and resources on fire safety at Michigan.gov/PreventWildfires.