Michigan deer hunters want antler restrictions – Michigan DNR ? Not so much
Last week, more than 50 hunters, representing a lot of Michigan deer hunters spoke up at a Michigan Natural Resources meeting in Ludington. They want the state to establish state-wide antler point restrictions on bucks taken during deer season. The theory of course is that if you let the small ones live, they grow into bigger bucks with larger antlers.The state counters that, since bucks encounter a lot more deer during mating season as they roam looking for mates, the older they get, the higher the chance for them to contract and spread diseases - like chronic wasting disease.
According to MLive.com, in the northwest part of lower Michigan, the state has been experimenting with the idea of trict antler point restrictions for the past four years - and most of the hunters there are big fans of the restrictions. DNR deer and elk specialist Chad Stewart says that they're not "shutting down" the idea, they just want to be "a little bit cautious" about their next step. I think it's a good idea.
We'll see what happens on June 8th when the NRC votes on the proposal to expand the restrictions.
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