Michigan Cases of Canine Influenza On the Rise
Canine influenza - "dog flu" - is turning into a wider problem in Michigan. According to MLive.com, last year , there were only nine cases of canine influenza in the entire State of Michigan. This year - so far - there have been 111 cases reported.
How can you tell if your dog has canine influenza? Much like in adult humans - if he or she has it, your dog will have a cough, a runny nose and high fever. They can get the flu by sniffing or licking dogs who have the virus, or by sharing water or food bowls with those dogs, or just by by being around sick dogs who are coughing or sneezing. We recently had our German Shepherd, Axel, at the vet's for boarding and there were some questions about any recent coughing, so it appears some places are trying to get ahead of it, before it spreads any further. Oakland and Macomb Counties have the most cases reported this year, but Livingston County, just east of Ingham County, has seen it's fair share of cases.
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