Michigan Bears Are About to Get a Treat
They call it the "Bear Hair Snare Survey".
The Michigan DNR needs to find out more about the bear population in the Lower Northern Peninsula, so this week, they'll be baiting 257 sites up north to collect hair samples. And they'll be baiting the sites with bacon and donuts. According to The Morning Sun, Ebel's Market in Falmouth gave the DNR the family price on 900 pounds of bacon. And Cops and Doughnuts will be supplying the doughnuts.
The plan is for the bears to have to climb through a barbed wire fence to get to the food. Whatever fur they leave will be sent to the Wildlife Disease Lab at Michigan State for DNA testing.
And once those bears get used to the smell and like it - my spot for next season's bear stand, would be near the dumpster at Cops and Doughnuts or Ebel's.
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