Michigan Astronaut Going Back to Space
NASA astronaut Andrew Feustel, who's from Lake Orion, is going back to space. He'll co-pilot a Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station, where he'll hang out for the next five months.
According to MLive.com, Andrew has been in space twice before and spent a total of 29 days in space on the previous missions. About his mission in 2009, Andrew says, "As I was flying over the state of Texas, I could look across the country and I could see Michigan in its entirety and all of the Great Lakes, as I flew over my home in Texas," he said. "It was just a beautiful sight to behold - one of the most amazing things I've ever seen."
Andrew and three other astronauts (one of them a fellow American) launch March 21 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
Very nice.
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