While winters in Michigan can be harsh and fierce at times, they are also beautiful.

As Michiganders, sometimes I think we're not seeing the forest for the trees. Meaning, we get bogged down in the stinky details about winter (like shoveling, travel taking forever, and it just being so darn cold out), that we forget about the bigger picture, which is that not everyone is lucky enough to experience the magic of winter like we do.

Read Related: Yes, You Can Visit the Top of the Monumental Mackinac Bridge

Michigan isn't nicknamed the "Water-Winter Wonderland" for nothing...

Something beautiful and unique about Michigan is the Mackinac Bridge.

Mackinac Bridge
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Pictures of the Mackinac Bridge in Winter

Sure, we've all seen pictures of the Mighty Mac in all its glory. However, I find that the images I've seen are usually in warmer weather. To be fair... traveling that far north in the winter time is not for the weak. That's why I was totally blown away to see photos of the Mackinac Bridge in the middle of winter.

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Did you know that there's live cam that takes pictures of the bridge everyday? That's where these photos are from.

Courtesy of Mackinac Bridge Authority
Courtesy of Mackinac Bridge Authority

Photos are taken every 60 seconds and refreshed on the live cam accordingly.

Courtesy of Mackinac Bridge Authority
Courtesy of Mackinac Bridge Authority
Courtesy of Mackinac Bridge Authority
Courtesy of Mackinac Bridge Authority

These are just a few that I caught today that I thought looked extra epic.

Courtesy of Mackinac Bridge Authority
Courtesy of Mackinac Bridge Authority

If you want to see more, you can access the cameras any time you want from the Mackinac Bridge Authority website.

Courtesy of Mackinac Bridge Authority
Courtesy of Mackinac Bridge Authority

The Best Photo of the Mackinac Bridge You've Never Seen

A Facebook page posted a photo of the Mackinac Bridge, but forgot to add the photo to the post. The helpful internet fans were quick to comment.

Gallery Credit: Facebook

How to Spot a Fudgie on Mackinac Island

We know "Fudgie" is a nickname for people who visit Mackinac Island...Here's how to spot someone who just can't FUDGE their "fudginess."

Gallery Credit: Maitlynn Mossolle

This Michigan Man Forges Custom Knives from Mackinac Bridge Steel

From the fires of Ben Graber's workshop at his Michigan backwoods family farm come unmatched, custom blades. His hobby may be turning into a red-hot career.

Gallery Credit: All photos courtesy of Ben Graber

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