MDOT’s Spring Lineup: Michigan’s INTERSTATE Construction Projects
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) hears you. They're aware that Michigan's roads can be...bumpy...from time to time. That said, the rebuilt roadways they have completed, like US-127 between Leslie and Mason are FANTASTIC.
Related: SHHH! Hear That? What IS That Humming on Michigan's New Highways?
That stretch of US-127 sees a slew of commuter traffic on the weekdays and motoring tourists on the weekends. Over two years, that stretch of highway went from loosening your fillings to a smooth, albeit slightly noisy ride.
Michigan Department of Transportation's Interstate Projects Bring Closures in 2024
You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs and unfortunately, you can't get new without tearing apart Michigan's old roads. This, of course, means orange barrels, flashing signs, concrete barriers, dump trucks, bulldozers, and everything else that adds up to: Lane Closures and Delays.

I get it! Our most beautiful and short season has to co-exist with Michigan's construction season and this means sometimes we can't get where we need to go as quickly as we'd like.
While wanting to make the most of the season is understandable, try to put yourself in the boots of the roadworkers, who often have their backs to you as you speed by on your way to work, the lake, or a BBQ. SLOW DOWN. Those workers have families, lakes, and BBQs to get to after work too.
Related: Lock Your Car Doors When Gassing Up in Michigan to Avoid 'Sliders'
Forewarned is forearmed, so knowing where and when the delays and closures are should help you to navigate around them or prepare some snacks to eat while you're waiting for traffic to clear.
MDOT's Michigan Interstate Construction Projects 2024
Gallery Credit: Scott Clow
Michigan Deer Season: Car v Deer, Which Kill More in Your County?
Gallery Credit: Scott Clow