Indiana Company Burns Ohio With Insult Candle
An Indiana candle company creates an Ohio candle. Ohioans are are not amused.
Simple Nature based out of Fort Wayne, Indiana just released their Ohio candle.
Price: $15.95
Scent: Nothing
Description: Not much to see. Not much to do. Welcome to Ohio, the unscented candle.
Lovers of Ohio are firing back on Instagram.
Lived in Indiana- so vanilla! Ohio has more going on than Indiana especially Fort Wayne! Never buying your products
Way to market small mindedness. Ohio has plenty of things to do.
Buckeye football in Columbus, Mount Adams in Cincinnati, Rock n Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens in Akron and stunning Mill Creek Park in Youngstown...not much to see? It’s clear your marketing and design team have NEVER been to Ohio...and as I’m typing, your company is losing revenue from pissing off a bunch of people who see hateful jealousy on your label. I guess that’s what you get from a vendor who lives in a state that supports discrimination, where woman make 74% of what a man makes, where meth abounds because everyone is trying to get so high they hope to forget they live in Indiana. Smoke on candlehead...smoke one.
Other people in the instagram comments had more of a sense of humor about it.
i love reading all the comments from people who live in ohio #takeajoke
Congrats! You made the local news in Pittsburgh for the Ohio candle. Bought 4 candles because of it.
Lol I'm from Ohio and that's #@*&ing hilarious
How does the candle company feel about the attention their Ohio candle is getting? According to WWMT.com,
Simple Nature owner Derek Miles Taylor says he's a one-person company and acknowledges he might be projecting his "insecurities of being a Hoosier on Ohio."
Speaking for the state of Michigan: Well played Indiana...well played.
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