Ready For a Michigan U.P. Trip? – Start Here
I've said it before, but I'm still surprised when I run into Michiganders who haven't gone over "the bridge" into the Upper Peninsula. My first thought when I saw the crazy rumors about Disney building a park in the U.P. were - who would believe that? It's already more fun than any Disney Park. And it looks like Disney built it already. If you love the U.P. already, you'll see some of your favorite places in the article just put together. If you've never been, take a look and pick out some places to head for.
I certainly haven't seen it all, yet, but everybody who lives in Michigan should at least visit or see THESE places in the U.P at least once.:
Mackinac Island (I'm going to say it's part of the U.P. for this story)
The Mackinac Bridge
The Soo Locks
Pictured Rocks National Seashore
The western end of the U.P. - my favorite spot is Bond Falls.
And, I know - I'm missing Kitch-iti-Kipi. I keep getting stopped by bad weather from seeing it. I'll make it there eventually
What am I missing? What's your favorite place?
Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.
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