Three weeks ago an episode aired of the HGTV show "House Hunters". According to, the episode had been filmed in Ann Arbor last year with a couple named James and Wendy. I didn't see the episode, but lucky for us, their realtor, Alison Holcombe, did an interview to share some of the "behind the scenes" secrets of the show.

If you've never seen the show, usually a couple (or somebody who's single with a friend) go through three houses they may potentially buy - and then choose one that they actually do buy.

The first and biggest secret? You may have heard this happens, but here's confirmation: James and Wendy had already bought the house they ended up picking on the show. Alison had to go find two more houses, close to what they were looking for, to make it a show.

Also, according to the article Alison, Wendy and James often repeated each conversation three times so the camera person could record from different angles.

So, that's why those conversations seem so stilted.

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