Here’s that $1000 tin can I want for Christmas
This morning, on the award winning Banana and Stephanie Morning Show, I told you about the new "everyday things" line of gifts being offered by Tiffany & Co. Things like a sterling silver and walnut yo-yo for $350 and a $1000 silver tin can to store your pencils. Just to show I'm not making this up - here's the link to Tiffany.com to shop for those $650 silver ping-pong paddles you've dreamed of owning. Not surprisingly, some people (and Buzzfeed) question the need for a $325 shoe horn.
And not to be outdone, while you're playing with your silver yo-yo, you need to be properly attired, so the New York Post has thoughtfully found a $700 dress based on a dry cleaner bag.
Happy shopping.
Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.
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