The State of Michigan is 181 years old today. Happy birthday (And on a Friday, too. Don't call me for bail money.)

The Detroit Free Press has come up with the "SIX Best Things About Michigan". I don't know how you make that list (bribes, I'm sure), it is.

And, I agree with all six the Free Press came up with, but, after living here for the last 16 years, I have a few additions to the list:

7. All the nutty (and to me that's a positive thing) people I've met here. (I know that's a total suck-up move, but I mean it.)

8. The deer hunting. (The Free Press mentioned fishing, but not hunting. Obviously an oversight. You're welcome Free Press - fixed it.)

9. The museums. I love museums. And when you have a state that has everything from the Henry Ford (been there - several times) to the Nun Doll Museum (umm, not yet), you've got something special. Here's a few you may not know about.

and 10. Fudge. C'mon Free Press! How did you forget the FUDGE?!


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