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[Gallery 1] Lansing Lugnuts Cinco de Mayo Celebration A Hit

We had a great time at Cooley Law School Stadium on Sunday as we visited with everyone at the old ball yard while we were attending the Lansing Lugnuts Cinco de Mayo celebration. The event which was part of 

Outside the stadium, people enjoyed live music, activities and some delicious treats from authentic food trucks. As you are probably aware, the Lansing Lugnuts changed their name to the Lansing Locos for the celebration. To make the day even better, our Lansing Locos beat the Beloit Snappers 7 to 5.

Check out the photo gallery above of the Cinco de Mayo celebration and don’t forget, if you enjoyed Sunday, there will be another Copa de la Diversión event, Latino Day, Sunday, August 18th at Cooley Law School Stadium as we take on the Dayton Dragons. Get more info here from the Lugnuts website.

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