Find One of These Spiders in Michigan and Get Paid
Here's the deal - if you find a CONFIRMED brown recluse spider in your house, here in Michigan - after confirming it really is one - the Rose Pest Company will treat your house to get rid of it AND hand you $300. The only problem with that scenario? That venomous brown recluse spider you have living in your house.
According to ClickOnDetroit.com, there should be no brown recluse spiders in Michigan. Many are reported every year, but the Rose Pest people say they've only confirmed one house with brown recluse spiders in it - and that was in a house occupied by a family who had moved from the brown recluse-infested state of Kansas. The $300 should prove once and for all that most of these sightings are false. (Except in your house. I believe you.)
If you think you have one in your house, take a photo of it (careful how you squash it) and email it with your name, address and phone number to spider@rosepest.com
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