DeWitt Brewery Is A Go – The Hipster Transformation of DeWitt Is Complete
Downtown DeWitt is getting a brewery. In a 120 year old church - the way God intended it.
The Looking Glass Brewery bought the former Mt. Hope Church on Bridge Street last month and work has begun. According to the Lansing State Journal, the brewery will include a restaurant with a patio and may be open by August. Just in time for the Ox Roast.
As a resident of DeWitt Township, I offer myself as community liaison and taste-tester. And, as the brewery will be located right around the corner from the barber shop, I predict I will have much shorter hair in the future.
For more info visit the brewery's Facebook page.
Here's the whole news story.
Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.
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