Soon - possibly in the next week, if you have a drone weighing more than a half pound, you'll have to have it registered with the FAA. Just in time for Christmas. When, according to the Washington Post, 700,000 new drones will be flying around. And soon, new rules concerning drones will go into effect in the City of DeWitt. Thank goodness, I live in the wild, and still untamed, DeWitt Township.

Here's what you need to know about the government registration of your drone. (My guess is that this will end up like gun registration - the registered ones won't be the problem)

And here are the proposed rules for drones in the City of DeWitt. Which will probably be just like the new rules for wherever you live.



Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.

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