Cooler Weather In Michigan For The Next Couple Weeks
Well, I hate to say it, but it looks like we're going to be experiencing some cooler days for the next couple of weeks.
I mean, I'm not surprised. We do live in Michigan where the weather is constantly up and down.
According to MLive, the average low temperature for the month of May sits around mid-40s and the high is in the mid-to-upper 60s. We're expected to drop a little lower than the average temperature. So, it's not a huge difference, but it will probably feel like summer is taking its sweet time.

I don't know if I'm alone here, but whenever we get a couple of really warm days in the spring, weather in the 40s and 50s feels extremely cold. Where in the fall, I'm thankful for the break in warm weather.
The colder weather kicked off yesterday, May 5 and will wrap up in a little over two weeks on May 19. If you thought you weren't going to have to remote start your car anymore, surprise, you will. We're expected to have a couple of frosty mornings.
You can read the full story on MLive's website.
What frosty weather means for Michigan Fruit trees
Did you know fluctuating weather can affect Michigan's fruit trees? If the weather is cold enough, the blossoms on the fruit trees can frost over and die. If this happens, fruit like apples, peaches and blueberries will not grow.
Steve Tennes, the owner of The Country Mill in Charlotte, told WLNS that fans can be used to distribute warm air in order to keep the buds warm.
Have you ever wondered just how hot Michigan weather can get? Keep scrolling to find out how hot Lansing was in 2012!
READ MORE: Michigan Heat Wave Of July 1936
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