Author Set To Announce Michigan Guy as D.B. Cooper
According to, today, at 1PM, at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in Grand Rapids, author Carl Laurin will announce that D.B. Cooper was a guy from Detroit named "Walt".
In case you don't know the story, on November 24th, 1971, a man calling himself "D.B. Cooper", hijacked a Northwest Orient 727 on a flight from Portland, Oregon to Seattle. After landing in Seattle, the man traded the passengers for four parachutes and $200,000 and ordered the crew to fly to Mexico City. Over the Washington - Oregon border he jumped out the back - never to be seen again.
Back in the late 70s or early 80s, anybody who knew anything about both planes and parachutes - and had recently bought a house or sports car - was suspected. (I heard whispers about a couple of guys at some of the airports where I used to hang out. It was ridiculous, of course) "Walt" is the second guy from Michigan to be named as D.B. Cooper. Last year, the story was that he was a grocer from Grayling, named Dick Lepsy.
If you go to the press conference, I can highly recommend Wolfgang Puck's "The Kitchen" for lunch.
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