According to, today, at 1PM, at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in Grand Rapids, author Carl Laurin will announce that D.B. Cooper was a guy from Detroit named "Walt".

In case you don't know the story, on November 24th, 1971, a man calling himself "D.B. Cooper", hijacked a Northwest Orient 727 on a flight from Portland, Oregon to Seattle. After landing in Seattle, the man traded the passengers for four parachutes and $200,000 and ordered the crew to fly to Mexico City. Over the Washington - Oregon border he jumped out the back - never to be seen again.

Back in the late 70s or early 80s, anybody who knew anything about both planes and parachutes - and had recently bought a house or sports car - was suspected. (I heard whispers about a couple of guys at some of the airports where I used to hang out. It was ridiculous, of course) "Walt" is the second guy from Michigan to be named as D.B. Cooper. Last year, the story was that he was a grocer from Grayling, named Dick Lepsy.

If you go to the press conference, I can highly recommend Wolfgang Puck's "The Kitchen" for lunch.


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