ATTN: MSU Hospitality Business majors – win this bar on the beach
I get it. You're about to graduate this week with a Hospitality Business degree from Michigan State, but you dream of more than being dining room manager at Bushwood Country Club (bonus points if you know what movie that's from). In fact, you want to own your own bar someday. Close to a beach. In Australia. With a funny German name. Right?
Well, check this out: according to News.com.au, some guy is raffling off his German beer garden and pub in Newcastle, Australia. The ticket costs $25 AUS, which is about $19 USD. If you win, you get the whole bar, plus he'll throw in $30,000 to get you started. The owner, James Sneddon, just wants whoever wins it to be somebody who has "a dream of owning a bar, but just hasn’t quite been able to realize it yet". (That's you, right?) James says the bar "Das Hund Haus" is profitable and brings in $600,000 a year. But James wants to sell it so he can invest in his tech start-up - an online STD testing service that he launched last year. (I know - I have questions about that, too.)
For now - click here to get the whole story. About the bar - not the STD thing.
Good luck. And, if you win - send a postcard - and prepare for my visit.
Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.
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