The long arm of the law finally came down on 14-year-old Zachary Towns of Grand Blanc, Michigan. Zachary's mom works three jobs while Zachary just has to go to school and play Fortnite, so she doesn't have time for foolishness. The other day, according to NBC-25news out of Saginaw, when Zachary slept in and wasn't getting up to go to school for the (and I quote) "100th time I've done it this year”, the hammer came down. His mom, Crystal, called the cops. A Grand Blanc Township officer came to the house, gave him a seat in the back of his police vehicle and took him to Grand Blanc West Middle School.

And what did Zachary say in his own defense?

“I'm pretty lazy - can't lie. I like to sleep in,” he said.

Hmm. Not very helpful. But honest.

And while a ride to school in the back of a cop car might be cool (I hope Zachary got the "lights and siren" ride), it's no way to go through life. And now that your mom or dad has seen this story....well...good luck.


Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.

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