As Heard On This Morning’s Show – Woman With Pregnancy Cravings Eats Her Armchair
These are the facts: Vicky Cullen lives in Great Britain. She is 28. Five years ago she gave birth to her daughter Olivia. During the pregnancy, she developed a food craving. Not for ice cream or tacos or carrot cake.
She craved foam from her armchair. And the craving never went away.
According to the story in the Daily Mail, "Vicky mainly snacks on a large armchair in her living room: 'It's a single yellow and white-coloured chair and I particularly like jam or Nutella on the foam pieces. In the morning I like to dip them in orange juice.' "
There's nothing I can add. This morning we talked about this story on the morning show and I promised to post the story here for all to see.
Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.
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