America’s newest threat in the “War On Terror”? Delicious Michigan fudge
Let's say you've spent a fabulous weekend on Mackinac Island. You stayed at the Grand Hotel, had a couple of drinks at the Pink Pony, bought some fudge and t-shirts and now - you're headed home. You take the ferry back to St. Ignace and drive up to the Soo, so you can get a flight to Detroit where you'll catch your flight back to L.A. Sure, you'll miss us, but the Kardashians are having a party to celebrate National Tape Measure Day this Friday and, well, you HAVE to be there when they measure their stacks of money.
So you walk into Chippewa County International Airport and that's when you see the sign:
Are you kidding me? No. According to MLive.com, the TSA has determined that you can have fudge in your carry on baggage, but you'll have to have it checked by your friendly TSA agent, because it's soft and they suspect you might be hiding something in your Mackinac fudge. Something that might go, "boom".
So enjoy your flight back to L.A. and enjoy Tape Measure Day with the Kardashians. Just get ready for the disappointed look on Kim's face when you hand her delicious Michigan fudge - with a big thumbprint in the middle.
Here's the story with pictures of the sign and everything. You know - so you you can show it to Kim. And Kanye and Kourtney and...well, they're your friends, so....
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