Again – Don’t throw your goldfish in Michigan’s lakes
Yeah, we've done this story before, but - don't throw your pet fish in the lake. Any lake. Or stream or river. If they've gotten too big or you're moving away, give them away or take them to a pet shop. According to the Detroit News, there's all sorts of pet fish swimming around in lakes and rivers in Michigan and they might be carrying diseases harmful to the native fish. According to The News, there was at least one report of a DITCH connecting two lakes near Detroit that had 4,000 to 6,000 goldfish in it. And according to the Blair Fish Company (I agree - it should be re-named the Blair Fish PROJECT) a commercial fishing operation on Lake Erie, they catch 30,000 POUNDS of goldfish every year!
That's just one operation on one of the lakes. According to Nathan Newsome, who works for the Blair Fish Company, "Everybody’s got a goldfish they flushed down the toilet and probably winds up in the water.”
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