30-Year-Old Michigan Fishing Record Broken
On May 28, 1988, Daniel Manville caught a hybrid sunfish on Arbutus Lake in Grand Traverse County weighing 1.44 pounds. On June 1, 1991, Lloyd Jarman, Jr. caught another one weighing tying the record of 1.44 pounds, on Doan's Lake in Allegan County. So, for thirty years that was the record in Michigan.
Until July 9th of this year, when, according to MLive.com, Joel Heeringa of St. Joseph caught one in Lake Anne in Grand Mere State Park in Berrien County (right off I-94) This one weighed 1.8 pounds and measured 11.7 inches. When you're talking about that small of a fish, a jump up by 3 ounces is pretty big.
Even though the Michigan record for bluegill is 2.75 pounds, hybrid sunfish sometimes actually grow a lot bigger than plain old bluegill. Why? Here's a good article about it. Wish my dad knew about this when I was a kid and we were catching 4-inch long bluegills from our farm pond.
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