What do you do if you run into the Bath cougar?
While I was on vacation last week, I was NOT surprised to see that a wild cougar had been spotted in Bath. I think we've got way more cougars running around lower Michigan than you would think.
(And maybe we should just start calling them mountain lions to squash the inevitable "middle-aged housewives" jokes. I know - I'm as guilty as anybody)
Anyway, that mountain lion may still be around, so what do you do if you encounter a mountain lion in the woods - or in a yard in Bath? According to WILX-TV and Dr. Patrick Rusz from the Michigan Wildlife Conservancy you should not run (you know how cats love to chase things) make yourself look as big as possible, and if that doesn't work - start throwing rocks.
And if you hit it at more than ten feet away - the Detroit Tigers would like to talk to you.
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