No one seems to know how long the WITL Toy-A-Thon for Toys for Tots has been happening.  We've had listeners tell us that they remember participating since "sometime in the 70's", a LONG time!  We hope this annual event is as special to you as it is to us.  It's always a treat to see families stop by year after year and see kids grow up.  Many times I have remembered people coming in with babies...and only (it seems) a few years later those babies have grown up!  The US Marines Toys For Tots program collects new, unwrapped toys for distribution to kids in our area that may not have a Christmas without a little help.  Because of your generosity, enough toys are collected at the Toy-A-Thon to "stuff" a school bus full!  Bikes, books, stuffed animals, dolls, games, sporting equipment...from babies to teenagers there is something for every age group.  We hope that you can join us for the WITL /  Jay J. McCrae "Toy-A-Thon for Toys For Tots" this Sunday, 12/8 9:00am-3:00pm at our studios.  The entire staff will be here...we'll play our holiday can tour the studios...enjoy some delicious food & refreshments...bring the kids for a free picture with Santa from 11:00am-1:00pm...and drop off your donation.  Look forward to seeing you!

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