The Canadian Pacific "Holiday Train" will be traveling through Michigan and Indiana tonight, on it's way to Chicago. The "Holiday Train" has been traveling through Canada and the upper Midwest during the holidays for 18 years. The train is about 1000 feet in length, with 14 cars decorated with LED lights. The train usually makes stops along the way, with performances from various singers, in an effort to raise money for local food banks and charities. According to the Monroe News, it will not stop in Michigan or Indiana tonight because Canadian Pacific doesn't own any track in either state.

But it should be cool to see.

The Holiday Train should be leaving Windsor after 6PM tonight, with a scheduled arrival in the Chicago area tomorrow morning. You can follow the progress of the train on it's Facebook page. Or on it's Twitter feed.

Here's the Holiday Train website with a map of where it will be traveling.


Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 –10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.

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