Keegan and Matt Myers (who, BTW, went to MSU) are the guys who came up with the idea to put the "M22" state highway symbol on t-shirts. If you've spent more than an hour in Michigan, you've seen somebody wearing one of those shirts or hats or seen one of those stickers on somebody's SUV. The Meyer brothers made some money on the idea, so they trademarked the symbol. And, according to a story on, the state of Michigan is clearly upset that they didn't think of it first.

The state says nobody can trademark a sign that is in the public domain. The brothers say they haven't prevented the state or anybody from using the "M22" symbol. They've been arguing about this for years.

How popular has the symbol become? The state is having to change the design of the signs - dropping the "M", because so many are getting stolen.

So, stop selling your cool shirts. People are getting lost.


Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.

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