Michigan, You Do NOT Need To Hoard Toilet PaperMichigan, You Do NOT Need To Hoard Toilet Paper2020 taught us to value essential items like toilet paper. In 2024, dockworker strike fears arise, but local production ensures no shortage.Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill
How Toilet Paper Hoarded During the Pandemic is Now ExpiredHow Toilet Paper Hoarded During the Pandemic is Now ExpiredHere's how to tell if your toilet paper is expired. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Another Reminder To Not Flush Wipes Down The ToiletAnother Reminder To Not Flush Wipes Down The ToiletThis Northern Michigan town stands as a cautionary tale that just because it looks like TP, doesn't mean it goes down like TP. Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle
5 Things I Never Thought I’d Hear Or Say Because Of COVID-195 Things I Never Thought I’d Hear Or Say Because Of COVID-19There has got to be hundreds, but here's mine.Chris TylerChris Tyler
Lansing Community College Prof Explains Why You Can’t Find TPLansing Community College Prof Explains Why You Can’t Find TPNot all toilet paper is made the same.Banana DonBanana Don
Play This Online Claw Machine and Win Toilet PaperPlay This Online Claw Machine and Win Toilet PaperYou got time for this, right?Banana DonBanana Don
Michigan High School Is Trying To Set Toilet Paper RecordMichigan High School Is Trying To Set Toilet Paper RecordThey certainly get an A for creativitiy. Stephanie McCoyStephanie McCoy
Toilet Paper – Over or Under? Dispute Solved Once and For AllToilet Paper – Over or Under? Dispute Solved Once and For AllThere IS a right answer.Banana DonBanana Don