Whoa, I had an incredible experience over the weekend.

Friday night started with a Lugnuts' game. Those are always awesome. Saturday I found myself touring Owosso, Michigan for no apparent reason and as it turns out, Owosso is pretty cool.

Sunday, a couple of friends of mine from the League of Enchantment got married. Shamus Smith (Batman) married Katie Whitaker (Wonder Woman) at Lansing Comicon. My wife and I were invited to the event and wedding ceremony. I will sum it up like this, that was the coolest wedding I have ever been to. Congratulations to you both. You set the bar for unique wedding experiences, no question.

It was cool too because Tom Arnold welcomed the crowd to the wedding and had some kind words to say to Batman and Wonder Woman before the ceremony began. It was surreal to be there for my friends and then to have an A list celebrity say some kind words before the nuptials, it was freaking awesome.

Tom started out by saying, "hello nerds". I didn't know if I should laugh, the crowd did so I felt comfortable laughing to. I have always thought that folks that go to Comicon's are "nerds". The truth is, they are. The nerds love the title. I turned around to a 14 year old girl dressed as "Loki" and said, "your costume is really cool. Thank you for reminding me at 48 years old that I can try new things and step out of my comfort zone. Maybe I'll try it. Do you know any good white haired characters?". She laughed and named a few.

I think this is something I might try. Why not? Check out the pictures from the Lansing Comicon and there are a couple of pics of the new, happily married couple.

Lansing Comicon '22

Comicon came to Lansing. Batman married Wonder Woman. Check out the pics of Comicon.

12 Life-Changing Inventions That Were Created in Michigan

There have been plenty of game changing inventions that were invented within our beautiful state. Some of which have helped with travel, hospital care, breakfast, modern medicine and more. I had no idea about some of these inventions. It's pretty cool that these inventions came from Michigan. Check out onlyinyourstate.com for more.

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