Surfing Your Way to Beaver Island on Lake Michigan
Do you ever wonder where those vehicles around here with surfboards on top are headed? I do. Maybe California? Mexico? Florida? And, if they're headed someplace in Michigan, where? Besides storms churning up big waves on one of the big lakes, I wouldn't think there'd be many options for surfing around here.
I would be wrong.
Last week, according to, Ryan Bezemek surfed four miles in the wake of The Beaver Islander, a ferry that takes people from Charlevoix to Beaver Island. Ryan surfed while his friends Logan and Ryan followed with a camera on a jet-ski. "We were kind of surprised when it worked. It took us a couple tries, but once I got up I did it seamlessly" , said Bezemek. It was four miles this time, but Ryan thinks he can do it again and, with a little training, next time he wants to surf the whole thirty miles out to the island.
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