Stay Out Of Some Mason Creeks And Rivers
According to News 10, the Ingham County Health Department issued a "no contact" order for some bodies of water in the Mason area. The health department is asking you to observe the "no contact" order for parts of Sycamore Creek, Rayner Creek, the Grand River and the Red Cedar River in the area.
What they are saying in a nutshell is, "stay out of the water". The reason? Apparently wastewater was let into the Rayner Drain last Thursday, thereby causing the "no contact" order.
I don't know about you, but when I hear the word, "wastewater", nobody is going to have to twist my arm to keep me from taking a dip, or anything else in the water. Find out what the reason was for the wastewater being released in the Mason area and when more information will be released about the "no contact" order right here from the News 10 website.