New Study Shows Michigan’s Youth Are Ditching Beer for Cannabis
All of the College era movies used to be about young adults doing keg stands and pounding bottles, but according to a new study they should be waving joints and vape pens around instead.
With the rising sales in Michigan of legal cannabis, it's easy to see that marijuana is king in this part of the country. But considering we're also home to the beer capital of the US, is the cannabis takeover taking away from our young adult's interest in Beer City's namesake export?
The University of Michigan conducted a survey titled "Monitoring The Future" in which the institute for Social Research surveyed young adults age 19 to 30 about their lives and habits. Everything from eating, exercise and drug consumption is polled to see exactly how they're living. Normally the results tend to lean the same way, but this time the results are trending in a different way for the first time in the study's history.
Survey data not only showed alcohol use trending downward, but it also showed cannabis consumption and usage of hallucinogen use at their highest levels since 1988.
The survey found that 29% of the participants had used marijuana within the last month, and that figure is up 8 percent from 2016. They also found that daily usage of marijuana is much higher today than it has been in years past, saying that 11% of participants surveyed consume cannabis on a daily basis.
The kids love to experiment, too. Researchers noticed that usage of a hallucinogen in the previous month was up to 8%, which is up almost 50% from the 2016 survey. While it's not like you're going to walk onto a college campus and find a bunch of zombies, it's not as surprising to hear of people experimenting with these substances today.
Alcohol use is still the most common amongst Michigan's youth, with 66% of participants saying they've consumed alcohol in the previous month, but that number is actually down significantly. Previously 70% of participants said they drink during the last survey completed back in 2016.
So while Beer City won't have to give up our name for the sake of us entirely ditching alcohol, it is interesting to see the change of heart from the youth. I quit drinking two years ago because of the damaging effects I saw in the lives of those around me, and I wonder if more people won't be doing the same in the future.