I know this story came to light almost two weeks ago, while I was on vacation, but if you haven't heard this story and seen the video - read on Dale Jr. fan. Read on.

And once again, as is the case with all of these posts, I'm sharing this story so you'll have something in your back pocket when the next conversation with friends (or total strangers) lulls. And people start staring at their beer. That would be the point where you should clear your throat and announce, "Did you hear that Junior got pulled out of a burning car by a ghost in 2004?"

'Cuz, according to Dale Jr. himself - it happened.

According to Sports Illustrated, Jr. was practicing for an American Le Mans Series race in Sonoma, in a Corvette, in 2004. He spun, hit the wall and the car burst into flames. He got out alright, but on his Dale Jr. Download podcast, he said as the car burned, he felt himself being pulled out of the car by somebody. The track workers say nobody pulled him out - he got out all by himself. Jr. says he has no memory of that. And while he does believe some sort of spirit saved him that day in Sonoma, he went on to say he does not think there's such a creature as Bigfoot.

(But, this is a guy who says he occasionally listens to Milli Vanilli - who were totally fake. So, he's all over the place)

And here's the actual video of the crash:



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